Wednesday, 28 September 2016

A breakdown of the Auditor General 2015 - De people that owe government money by Krystle Howell

The Auditor General Report&nbs...

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Barbaods downgrades since 2009


Corporate Credit Rating Chart


Monday, 26 September 2016

Food Preparation & Cookery Level 1


Caricom Development Fund - Secretary


Green House Project - Agronomy Speacialist Understudy


Home Improvement Store - Sales Associates and Supervisors


A1 Supermarkets - Chill Supervisor


A1 Supermarkets - System Administrator


Office Administrator, Customer Service Attendants, Cashiers, Supervisors


St Nicholas Abbey - Tour Guide


JADA Builders Inc - Carpenters and Masons


Guardsman - Business Development Officer


Glacial Ice - Production Supervisor


Demarios - Motor Cycle Mechanic Required


D & A Mechanical Services


Coral Reef Club


Tropical wave could become depression by late Tuesday

Tropical wave could become depression by late Tues...

Stephen not surprised by S&P downgrade

Read more ...

Sunday, 25 September 2016

BRA - Tax Amnesty

Read m...

S&P moving goalposts again, says Sinckler.

MINISTER OF FINANCE Chris Sinckler sees the country’s latest downgrade by international rating agency Standard & Poor’s as another example of moving the goalposts when it comes to Barbados. On Friday, Standard & Poor’s reduced Barbados sovereign credit rating down from B to B- and once again chided Prime Minister Freundel Stuart’s administration for its high fiscal deficit. “It is unfortunate but not generally unexpected,” Sinckler...

Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler says the downgrade was unfortunate but not unexpected


An 'F' for Jones


Saturday, 24 September 2016

Atlantic tropical disturbance east of the Windward Islands and Barbados.

Saturday 24th 5pm - Atlantic tropical disturbance east of the Windward Islands Barbados be ready for tropical storm conditions that will include wind gusts to 60 mph, flooding rainfall with totals of 2-5 inches and very rough seas with sea heights of up to 6-10 feet possible starting late Tuesday night and continuing through all day Wednesday and all night Wednesday night before weather conditions improve on Thursday morning. ...

Major fallout - McClean crosses swords with Sir Hilary on declining UWI enrollment


Friday, 23 September 2016

Barbados has been downgraded yet again by Standard & Poor's Global

Barbados downgraded yet again To view the full article click the link - S&P Full articl...

Half of those accepted at UWI fail to register


Thursday, 22 September 2016

Blazing start for Christ Church East Central


Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Defining the foreign reserves

During the Budget debate last week, the Minister of Finance went to great lengths to demonstrate that he is in charge of the country’s finances. However, in his attempt to underscore the point, he made a rookie mistake which perhaps may be lost on some people but not to those who took the time to listen to him carefully. I must admit that it is indeed good news that it has only taken him six years to learn the definition of the net international...

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Repairs still pending - The pavilion at Wotton since January 2016

EIGHT MONTHS after Minister of Sports Stephen Lashley warned supervisory staff and employees of the National Sports Council (NSC) that it was time to “work for their pay”, and ensure remedial work was done on dilapidated sporting facilities across the island, little to no work has been done. Lashley’s comments during a tour after a two-part series in the SUNDAY SUN editions of January 10 and 16 highlighted the deteriorating condition of...

Monday, 19 September 2016

Come One, Come All


BLP given nod over DLP in economic activity

BLP given nod over DLP in economic activi...

Explain Cheques (by nationnews)

YOU THINK THAT BECAUSE I write once or twice about the Central Bank, that I would believe everything I hear about it? This old lady met me in the fish market while I was looking for a small dolphin to help with my diabetes. “Wild Coot,” she said, “is the Central Bank supposed to be making payments on behalf of the Ministry of Sport and Culture, or am I giving my mouth liberty?” I know that the Central Bank is entitled to issue cheques in order...

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Inniss wants clear-cut levy (by nationnews)

MINISTER OF INDUSTRY, International Business, Commerce and Small Business Development Donville Inniss says he wants to clear up concerns members of the business community have about the controversial National Social Responsibility Levy. During a sometimes contentious meeting between manufacturers and officials of the Barbados Revenue Authority (BRA) yesterday in the Barbados Investment & Development Corporation (BIDC) offices on Harbour Road,...

Saturday, 17 September 2016

'It is like 1991 all over again' (by BarbadosToday)

Economist Ryan Straughn said the new tax announced last week by Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler and a pending salary increase for parliamentarians had triggered memories of 1991 when Government ministers received a ten per cent pay rise, while public servants wages were cut by eight per cent. In resolutions yet to be debated in Parliament, Government has proposed a ten per cent hike in pay for all Cabinet members, Members of Parliament, Parliamentary Secretaries, and Senators. Meantime, Sinckler announced in the 2016 Financial Statement...