Thursday, 30 June 2016

Quote for the day


Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Quote for the day


Friday, 24 June 2016

Perspectives of Estimates 2016/2017 - Ryan Straughn

Response to the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure 2016/20...

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Quote for the day


Wednesday, 22 June 2016

BLP Parish Consultations


Our Vision for Engaging the World

BLP Covenant of Hope - Our Vision for Engaging the World A Barbadian people fully equipped with the skills, boldness and confidence to compete in the dynamic, international economy of the 21st century, supported by a facilitative domestic and regional policy framework, based firmly on sovereignty, independent and principled positions executed by an enhanced, professionalized, refocused diplomatic and trade representation fully capable of defending our vital national and regional interests in all traditional and emerging centres of power and in...

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Our Vision for a New Economy

BLP Covenant of Hope - Our Vision for a New Economy Barbados’ economy must be modern, innovative, diversified, globally competitive and productive, to achieve a level of commercial success that leads to a fair return on all investments, a widening of economic enfranchisement and the sustainable improvement in the livelihoods of all our citizen...

Monday, 20 June 2016

Our Vision for a Better Society

BLP Covenant of Hope - Our Vision for a Better Society Barbados will distinguish itself by its commitment to a social covenant with our people that includes universal access to free tertiary education and training, and quality universal healthcare, access to affordable land and housing, the protection of public spaces, respect for diversity, fundamental freedoms, rights and responsibilities, and equality under the la...

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Father's Day Message

Good afternoon, I wanted to take a moment to share some perspective  with you on being a father. Parenting is not an easy task and too often it is left to women to shoulder much of the burden. Fatherhood is too important a part of our socialization to be taken lightly. I believe three things very strongly about being a father that I want to share with you. 1. As fathers, we must teach our children that women are NOT property and as our partners must be treated with absolute dignity and respect. 2. As fathers, we must love our daughters...

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Constituency Polling Stations

Polling District   Polling Station YA1Vauxhall Methodist Church YA2Edey Village Church of God YA3Aquatic Centre (Garfield Sobers Gymnasium Complex) YB1Christ Church Girls' School YB2Christ Church Girls' School YB3Christ Church Girls' School YC1Milton Lynch Primary School YC2Milton Lynch Primary School YC3Milton Lynch Primary School YC4Milton Lynch Primary School...


Dear Constituent, I would like to introduce myself to you as the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) candidate for the forthcoming general election for Christ Church East Central.  Along with the other BLP candidates I hope to represent your interests in Christ Church after the next election. Though the campaign has not yet “officially” commenced in earnest, I wanted to take this opportunity to outline some of my experience and why it is relevant to you and Barbados today. I am a professional economist trained in Barbados with work experience...

People's Assembly on the Covenant of Hope


Constituency Map


Thursday, 16 June 2016

Quote for the day


Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Quote for the day


Monday, 13 June 2016

The 'Brexit effect'

This week, I’m focusing on an international topic and its potential impact on Barbados. You may recall that in 2014, Scotland held a referendum on whether to become an independent country from the United Kingdom (UK). Fifty five per cent of Scots voted NO and, as a result, the status quo remains. It is intriguing that, this month, the entire UK will vote on whether to remain a member of the European Union (EU).  Naturally, opinion polls...

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Quote for the day


Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Bad timing - Interest rates cut bad for the poor (by BarbadosToday)

The decision by one commercial bank to further cut interest rates on savings is a blow to the country’s poor and the economy, according to economist Ryan Straughn. CIBC FirstCaribbean International Bank has announced that effective June 1, the interest rate it pays on regular savings, savings plus and senior savings will be cut to 0.25 per cent from an already record low 0.5 per cent, which the commercial banks applied after the Central Bank of Barbados lifted the 2.5 per cent minimum interest rate. However, Straughn said CIBC’s timing was...

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Covenant of Hope


Monday, 6 June 2016

South Isle Grand Flea Market - June 11th, 2016


Sunday, 5 June 2016

The Auditor General's Report 2015


This trend of plausible denial - part 2

This trend of plausible denial - part 2 ...

When the joke is on us

It has been six months since I’ve written in this space and certainly much has happened over that period of time.  I sincerely apologise for what must have seemed an abrupt end to our interactions which I enjoy very much.  So let me extend quite belated greetings for Independence, Christmas and, of course, a Happy New Year to you all. Let me declare, confess, disclose, reinforce, divulge, make known, come clean, affirm that...

This trend of plausible denial - part 1

This trend of plausible denial - part...

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Rating our external debt

  Rating our external de...