Saturday, 18 June 2016


Dear Constituent,
I would like to introduce myself to you as the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) candidate for the forthcoming general election for Christ Church East Central.  Along with the other BLP candidates I hope to represent your interests in Christ Church after the next election.
Though the campaign has not yet “officially” commenced in earnest, I wanted to take this opportunity to outline some of my experience and why it is relevant to you and Barbados today.
I am a professional economist trained in Barbados with work experience at domestic, regional and international level.   This skillset will be vitally important going forward because the management of our economic affairs under the Democratic Labour Party has left a lot to be desired in the last 8 years.
As the beneficiary of taxpayer funded tertiary education, I understand the importance of having access to a quality education such that we are constantly developing human capital to take the country forward. Barbados’ global competitiveness relies very heavily on a cadre of highly motivated and educated population and I am passionate about ensuring that education remains the cornerstone of our development.
As Barbados faces an uncertain future, it has never become clearer that a time of great change is coming.  We have been brought to the brink by the Democratic Labour Party and it is now essential that we have a change of government with a credible plan to get us back on track as a nation.  I grew up in Barbados under the distinct impression that meritocracy, honesty, integrity and hard work meant something.  These are values that underpin a well ordered society not one where cronyism and who you know take precedence.
My team and I have been canvassing the constituency since January 2016 and will continue to do so over the coming months.  I do wish to thank you for taking the time to chat with me or a member of my team about the issues that you feel are important. As time is usually short during such visits, I would like to continue the engagement we’ve already started by asking you to please feel free to provide feedback to me via email

Please view Professional Bio

I look forward to hearing from you.
Ryan Straughn